A selected group of readers across social media, including academics, Buddhists, new age practitioners, cult figure enthusiasts and general readers were given copies of the manuscript to test market response. Their reviews are noted below.
* By reading your book I am less scared of death...see it more as the beginning of an exciting journey vs 'The End'. It also makes me seriously take a look of how I am living Every Moment NOW. Friend for life. Elle - Buddhist
* A riot of profound thinking, humor and story telling that addresses the biggest question of them all - what happens when we die? If the book is any indication, there's a lot to look forward to, so long as you learn how to play the eternal game, which, on the basis of this book, is actually playing you. Dr Stephen Bird - Cambridge PHD - Linguistics and Philosophy.
* Hell of a ride. Katie Hall - NY
* A brilliant book! The author's insights are a bright light in the universal fear of the unknown: Death... We can not get far enough away from it but, at the same time, we are consumed by it's lure. And the author, with unbearable wit makes the journey to Hell seem like it may just be a joy ride and worth the ticket to get there. How cool is that? RC - English Lit Major
* I am over six chapters into the book and am loving every minute of it! Although I haven't finished the book I have to say protagonist) Baconian, is quickly becoming one of my heroes! Thank you for making this book available. It is a beautiful gift you have imparted on us. Lord Jagger - Buddhist CA
* I think you have written the modern day Tibetan book of the Dead. The end of the first part with Jesus and Baconian was fantastic. The whole way Baconian got into Jesus' head was art. Christopher CA
* I enjoyed the book, which takes a comical look at religion and death. It's a nice read. Bill - Engineer / Spiritualist - USA
( From Author - The gentleman who wrote this comment, a professed agnostic, told me of the deaths of his two daughters, which occurred years apart, for different reasons. I did hesitate sending him the book, because it delves so deeply and vividly and at times, sacrilegiously into the subject of death; depending on what you believe. I was pleased with his response. It is the aim of this book to give people hope about the boundless reality of the spirit. And the divine revelation that governs it. BjR )
* Well into part 2 now and still enjoying the adventure. One thing I can say for sure after reading what I have is, I never know where the story can go! There is always a little surprise here and there down the road with the underlying story intact. I also enjoy the reflections I have after reading a part of the book and then thinking about it. Will keep you posted but I have to say this has been one of my more enjoyable reads so far this year. Lord Jagger. Buddhist CA
* A classic in the making as are, undoubtedly, the ones which will follow. There are very few authors I have ever found who can sculpture the written word with such ease, providing such intricacy in detail; which truly leaves an indelible mark. Well done. Ray - Buddhist / Yoga Teacher
* I have never read the likes of this before. The soul contemplating existence in the psyche, like a prisoner, is a fabulous concept. And the characters, you have them all. Buddha. Jesus. Gods. (spoiler Alert!) Even His Holiness, the Dalai Lama is reborn in the future! It was a wonderful surprise when Cleopatra and Caesar came into the story also (the soul's Intuition and Instinct). They were very entertaining. But Baconian's my favorite. A fantastic adventure! Thank you. Michele - Explorer of the Mystic!
* It is about time someone wrote an original and honest perspective about the metaphysical realms. Well done! You are very talented. I cannot wait for the rest of the world to catch up, and for you to write again and again. I will be following you! Regards, S - Marin County.
* I have started your e-book and have read the first four chapters. I have to say I really like what I am reading so far. I think there's a little bit of Baconian (protagonist) in all of us. I have turned my full attention on your book now and have trouble putting it down, so I am sure to be done soon. It is well written with a good vocabulary (Which might be a little too good for some!) and the story flows in a nice way. I'm enjoying it immensely. Chris - Psychology Major, Australia.
* An absolute masterpiece of satire!! Pettra Corby Virtualgigs
* Bradley, thank you for sharing your writing with us. And what better way than to write about a journey that appeals to every one of us through the use of satire. Goes hand in hand with the cosmic joke we are all witnesses to. Greatly enjoyed your take on the Divine Comedy! -Kat. B
* As only Baconian (protagonist) could, he seduced me, with elegant phrases and sparkling sentences, sending me on a journey that is both far out, and as near to one's heart imaginable. Under and upper worlds are his playground, inviting me page after page to partake in a literary feast. A good read at any level—and there are many delightful ones—the best of all, being that life is a glorious adventure! Maagy - Marin County CA
* Presently reading it. It's really an amazing book! Emory - New Ager!
* The only downfall of this book is that one can't put it down! JD
* Your work is incredible!!!!!!! Lana - USA
* 'This book is very well written, the story both deliciously twisted and insightful. Bradley J. Rae takes us on an epic journey, shedding light throughout the darkest corners of the mind and he does so with the navigational skills of one not blinded by Earthly limitation - This man's compass is anything but smashed!' ~ Dr Rachel Michelle - Psychologist CA